Student news

  • Exam Schools

    Michaelmas term closure dates

    The Submissions desk and Student Information desk at the Examination Schools will be closed from 5pm on Thursday 20 December. The building will re-open at 8.30am on Thursday 3 January.

    If you plan to submit work during this holiday period, the building will be closed for submissions delivered in person, by post or by courier.

    Submissions made via the Examination Schools post box will not obtain proof of submission.

  • Oxford Uehiro logo

    5th Annual Oxford Uehiro Prize

    Enter the Oxford Uehiro Prize in Practical Ethics by submitting an essay of up to 2,000 words on any topic relevant to practical ethics.

    Winners will receive £300, and runners up £100. The two winning essays will be considered for publication in the Journal of Practical Ethics, though publication cannot be guaranteed. 

    Visit the Practical Ethics website for more information. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday 6 February. 

  • UNIQ ambassador

    Apply to be a student ambassador

    Undergraduate admissions and Outreach are currently recruiting for ambassadors and site managers to support the UNIQ and Target Oxbridge residential schemes, and assist during the Oxford and Cambridge Student Conferences. There are also opportunities to work on a range of other events. Further information and full job descriptions can be found online. To apply, complete an application form by Friday 7 December.

  • Biochemistry Building

    Please be careful in the Science Area

    Major construction works are underway in the Science Area. 

    In the coming months the construction will add significantly to volumes of traffic, including heavy construction traffic. Managing this traffic safely will inevitably disrupt the flow of pedestrians, cycles and other vehicles.

  • Six students each holding a speech bubble

    Help the University improve its services to you

    The Student Barometer survey gives you the chance to share your views. Your feedback will be used by colleges, departments, faculties and central University services to identify strengths and weaknesses and put in place changes to help improve your experience at Oxford. A link to the Student Barometer will be sent from the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) to your University email address today. Please do take the time to complete it.

  • Two students holding sparklers

    Oxmas activities for all students

    Oxmas refers to Christmas at Oxford, which takes place on 25 November - exactly one month before Christmas day. We celebrate Oxmas so we can spread a little Christmas cheer during term time. Very soon the Christmas lights will turn on and you'll start seeing trees going up across the University. Some colleges and departments provide an Oxmas dinner, and if you're lucky, there may even be a carol service - complete with mince pies and mulled wine.

  • Smiling girl in library

    Oxford SU launches its first 'BAME Leadership in Oxford' event

    Run by Oxford SU, it will include talks delivered by experienced professionals and Oxford students, each sharing insights and practical tips for navigating white-dominated environments. Based on issues raised by current BAME students, the event will cover topics such as being confident as the only BAME person in the room, managing conflict and using your position to create change. There will be the opportunity to build your network with other BAME student leaders, to express your views on being a leader at Oxford and to discover leadership opportunities across the University.

  • Woman laying on the couch sick with flu

    Free flu jab for students with serious long-term conditions

    Did you know that the flu vaccine is offered free of charge on the NHS to anyone with a serious long-term health condition? Long term conditions include chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma; chronic liver, heart or kidney disease; diabetes; sickle cell disease, and more. Flu on top of any long-term health condition can easily develop into something very serious, and you could end up in hospital.

  • Three students speaking at the Map the System competition

    Map the System competition

    Tackling global challenges starts with understanding a problem and its wider context, rather than jumping straight into a business plan or an idea for a quick fix. This competition asks you to select a social or environmental issue and to explore, probe, and research all the connecting elements and factors around it. We want you to present this issue back to us in a way that people can understand, share, and learn from.

  • Weston

    Make a digital edition of an unpublished Bodleian manuscript

    The Bodleian Libraries is looking for enthusiastic undergraduates and postgraduates from any discipline to participate in workshops in textual editing. These workshops are entering their third year and the first sessions will take place this term on Tuesday 6 November and Wednesday 28 November from 10am-4.30pm in the Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library.
