Race Equality Week 2025
This Race Equality Week (3-9 February) offers an opportunity to reflect on progress and deepen our commitment at Oxford to race equality.
This year’s theme #EveryActionCounts, underscores the importance of collective and individual efforts in driving meaningful change.
In 2024, the University focused on turning listening into action, by introducing:
- Leadership, conflict and equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) training for JCR and MCR presidents
- EDI inductions for new students
- Briefings on racial and religious awareness for key staff
In Michaelmas term 2024, the University established the Student Racial and Religious Inclusion Task and Finish Group in recognition of recent global and national developments. The group will continue to build on the foundations set in 2024, turning listening into action and shaping initiatives through consultation.
At the start of Hilary term 2025, Oxford SU led a student consultation which closed on 27 January. The findings from this consultation will play a critical role in shaping the recommendations and actions of the Task and Finish Group.
The University remains dedicated to ensuring every action counts as we advance racial inclusion.
Read the University's Race Equality Strategy, EDI Strategic Plan, and more on what the University is doing to promote race equality, including access to support and resources.