Exam Schools
Exam Schools

Update on in-person exams

Most exams in Trinity term will take place online. However, if you still have an in-person exam scheduled, it will be listed on the examinations timetables page on the Oxford Students website.

We can now confirm that if your exam is on this list and your course has already been given permission to return for in-person teaching, your exam will take place in-person (unless there are any changes to the Government’s plans for easing restrictions). 

If your course has not yet been given permission to return for in-person teaching, a final decision about the format of your exam will be taken after the Government update about student return, which is expected around Easter. If you are allowed to return to in-person teaching in Trinity term, your exam will remain in-person (again subject to the Government’s plans for easing restrictions). If not, it may need to be moved to an online closed-book format, with remote invigilation in place. A final decision will be made after the update from the Government about students’ return. 

These arrangements will be kept under review in line with the Government guidance, and all in-person exams will take place with the existing range of COVID-safe measures in place.