Balliol student Felix
Balliol student Felix

Pathways to Oxford - Felix Peterkin

Felix Peterkin - a third year Engineering student from Balliol College, attended UNIQ 2016 and is a UNIQ Digital ambassador. In this blog he tells us all about his experience. 

I went to a non-selective state school in Wales, where only one person had been admitted to Oxbridge in the last 10 years before me. Not only is Wales typically underrepresented, but no one had ever got a physics A* at A-level when I enrolled in the sixth form.

My head of sixth form brought UNIQ to my attention, and I felt that I had nothing to lose by applying. I felt Oxford may be too posh for me and a lot of work. Even if I had been rejected I would still have half a personal statement when it came to applying to University.

Attending UNIQ residential made me realise it was possible to get a place at Oxford, and meeting other students and the programme ambassadors showed me that the University was full of people like me.

There is also a lot to do at Oxford, academically and socially, so you definitely have less time doing nothing here. Despite the work I have carried on with my hobbies from sixth form and tried some more.


Students are the heartbeat of Oxford University, and your voices and experiences are key to tackling misleading preconceptions about both the University and the people who study here.

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