Graduate students in a lecture
Graduate students in a lecture

Credit: Erica Bower, MSc Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, Student Photography Competition

Parks College focus groups

A series of focus groups are being held about Parks College in early Trinity term. The small-group discussion forums are designed to help inform the academic blueprint for the proposed new graduate college by canvassing opinion about what a community of scholars should look like in the 21st century.

The 2.5 hour discussion forums are open to all interested members of the collegiate University, but the participation of graduate students and final-year undergraduates would be particularly welcomed.

The focus groups will take place on the following dates. All three will be held at the Oxford Martin School:

  • Wednesday 24 April, 12pm-2.30pm
  • Thursday 25 April, 9.30am-12pm
  • Wednesday 1 May, 11.15am-1.45pm

You can find out more about Parks College, including the academic vision for the college and an overview of the proposed redevelopment of the Radcliffe Science Library site, on the Oxford website.