GSS: Supervisor reporting open
The Graduate Supervision System (GSS) is used to review, monitor and comment on student academic progress and assess skills and training needs. Following the student reporting window, which has now closed for Trinity term, supervisor reporting is now open. You will be notified by email when your report is available to view and/or print from your GSS homepage.
You may have heard that GSS is being replaced in Michaelmas term 2018 with Graduate Supervision Reporting (GSR) in Student Self Service. Details will be sent to students nearer to the start of Michaelmas term, and in the meantime you can find out more by visiting the GSR project web pages. Students are needed to help test GSR, and snacks will be offered to any kind helpers, so if you would like to get involved for an hour on Tuesday 19 or Friday 22 June please email [email protected].