Verifying qualifications
Employers, prospective employers, other educational institutions, funding bodies or recognised voluntary organisations may request information on a student's current and completed educational attainments. The University can answer these questions, with the student's permission, which should be acquired prior to making any verification request.
Please note that this service is for third party requests only. Students should visit degree certificates to obtain proof of their own degree.
Verifying qualifications
Employers, prospective employers, other educational institutions, funding bodies or recognised voluntary organisations may request information on a student's current and completed educational attainments. Please note that this service is for third party requests only. Students should visit degree certificates to obtain proof of their own degree.
There are two ways to verify a qualification:
1) Online
Alumni will have access to a degree confirmation letter through our eDocuments service, and can share this with third parties using the Connection feature on the site. Please make sure to follow the instructions in the video and check that all relevant boxes have been ticked. The connection can be amended after it has been made.
2) Contacting the Degree Conferrals Office
The University can answer these questions, with the student's permission, which should be acquired prior to making any verification request. This ensures a quick turnaround time on your order.
The Degree Conferrals team is unable to confirm receipt of verification requests; you will receive an automated reply once a request is submitted.
We aim to process orders within 21 working days. Please do not contact us regarding the status of your request unless your order is outstanding after this time. Contact within this time period may cause delays to your order.
Please click on the arrow by the appropriate heading to view full instructions.
Commercial Organisations (employers, prospective employers, recognised voluntary organisations or verification services):
Requests carry a service charge of £30 per search completed and must be made via the online shop.
After completing the transaction, and before the request can be fully processed, a 'Consent to disclosure' form or your own equivalent, signed by hand or via a verifiable secure-signature-creation device by the student in the last 12 months and clearly showing the name of the candidate either typed or written, must be emailed to the Verifications team with the email subject line as: 'Verification: [Your Online Store Order Number] [Student Name]' - for example, 'Verification: OXF364515 Sophie Wright'. The signed consent must specifically name the company, agent or sub-contractor requesting the verification. If this is not available an official signed authorization letter from the parent company must be provided directly to us from the parent company. Such letters will be kept on file. Consent must be sent within 21 working days in order to be processed. After this time a new order should be placed. No refunds will be given for unfulfilled orders should the above terms not be met.
The following information is required:
- student surname
- student forename
- student maiden / former name
- date of birth
- programme of study (for example BA in History)
- classification awarded
- college
- date study commenced (dd/mm/yyyy)
- date study completed (dd/mm/yyyy)
From 1 July 2019 only the current Data Protection Act 2018 (UK) version of our consent form will be accepted. You can continue to use your own consent.
Higher Education Institutions, Local Authorities, UK and Overseas Governmental Bodies:
Requests are free of charge and must be made by email to Verifications with the email subject line as: 'Verification: [your organisation name], [Student Name]' - for example, 'Verification: British Council, Sophie Wright'.
Organisations must attach a 'Consent to disclosure' form or your own equivalent, signed by hand or via a verifiable secure-signature-creation device by the student in the last 12 months and clearly showing the name of the candidate, either typed or written, together with a scanned document on your business letterhead paper with direct contact details for the person making the request.
The following information is required:
- student surname
- student forename
- student maiden/former name
- date of birth
- programme of study (for example BA in History)
- classification awarded (enter 'n/a' if seeking information for an on-course student)
- college
- date study commenced (dd/mm/yyyy)
- date study completed (dd/mm/yyyy) (enter 'n/a' if seeking information for an on-course student)
From 1 July 2019 only the current Data Protection Act 2018 (UK) version of our consent form will be accepted. You can continue to use your own consent.
Solicitors and Notaries Public
Requests are free of charge and must be made by email to Verifications with the email subject line as: 'Verification: Solicitor/Notary Public, [Student Name]' - for example, 'Verification: Solicitor/Notary Public, Sophie Wright'.
Organisations must attach a 'Consent to disclosure' form or your own equivalent, signed by hand or via a verifiable secure-signature-creation device by the student in the last 12 months and clearly showing the name of the candidate, either typed or written, together with a scanned document on your business letterhead paper with direct contact details for the person making the request.
The following information is required:
- student surname
- student forename
- student maiden/former name
- date of birth
- programme of study (for example BA in History)
- classification awarded (enter 'n/a' if seeking information for an on-course student)
- college
- date study commenced (dd/mm/yyyy)
- date study completed (dd/mm/yyyy) (enter 'n/a' if seeking information for an on-course student)
From 1 July 2019 only the current Data Protection Act 2018 (UK) version of our consent form will be accepted. You can continue to use your own consent.
Verifying qualifications awarded by the Department for Continuing Education
To verify qualifications awarded by the Oxford University Department for Continuing Education, visit the online shop. Student consent must be sought; full details are available on the online shop website. There will be a charge of £12 for this service.
The department can only verify awards made by the Continuing Education Board. These include Undergraduate Certificates, Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas, Postgraduate Certificates and Diplomas and a number of part-time Master's courses. Please check with the student in question whether they studied with the Department for Continuing Education before proceeding to the online shop.
From 1 July 2019 only the current Data Protection Act 2018 (UK) version of our consent form will be accepted. You can continue to use your own consent.
Internship placements
Requests for academic references to verify the course details of a student due to undertake an internship placement should be directed to the Internship Office of the Careers Service.
BA (Hons) equivalency
The University does not award BA (Hons) qualifications, but considers candidates awarded a BA to have achieved honours status if they have been classified with a third class degree or higher.
Delegacy of Local Examinations
For enquiries relating to studies carried out at the former Delegacy of Local Examinations (UODLE), visit the Cambridge Assessment website.
The Oxford MA
In Oxford, the status of Master of Arts is a mark of seniority within the University which may be conferred 21 terms after matriculation. The Oxford MA allows students to reach a new status within the University and is not an upgrade of their BA or an additional qualification. It is awarded without further study and therefore has no subject or class.