If your timetable is not listed below it is not yet available.
Revised timetables
It is sometimes necessary to publish a revised timetable. For this reason you should check this page regularly close to the time of your first examination.
Personal timetable
Your personal timetable showing your papers and the dates, times and location at which they will take place will be published online at least two weeks before your first examination. It is your responsibility to ensure that you sit the correct examination and misreading of information will not be considered an acceptable reason for non-attendance.
If you have not received your timetable, or discover any problems such as a clash of papers, contact your college as soon as possible. The majority of in-person examinations take place at either the Examination Schools or Ewert House.
Preliminary Examinations
Title | Timetable (pdf) |
Honour Moderations in Archaeology and Anthropology | AARA |
Honour Moderations in Classics | ACLA |
Law Moderations | BLAW |
Honour School
MPhil Examinations and Qualifying Tests
Title | Timetable (pdf) |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Buddhist Studies | TOBS |
MPhil in Buddhist Studies | HOBS |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management | TBCM |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Classical Archaeology | TCLA |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Classical Indian Religion | TOCI |
MPhil in Classical Indian Religion | HOCI |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Comparative Social Policy | TCSP |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Cuneiform Studies | TOCU |
MPhil in Cuneiform Studies | HOCU |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Development Studies | TDEV |
MPhil in Development Studies | HDEV |
MPhil in Economic & Social History | HESA |
MPhil in Economic & Social History | HESH |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Economics | TECN |
MPhil in Economics | HECN |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Egyptology | TOEG |
MPhil in Egyptology | HOEG |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Environmental Change and Management | TENV |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Evidence Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation | TSPE |
MPhil in Evidence Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation | HSPE |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Global and Area Studies | TGAS |
MPhil in Global and Area Studies | HGAS |
MPhil in Greek and/or Latin Languages and Literature | HGLA |
MPhil in Greek and/or Latin Languages and Literature | HGLL |
MPhil in Greek and/or Roman History | HGRA |
MPhil in Greek and/or Roman History | HGRH |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in International Relations | TINR |
MPhil in International Relations | HINR |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Islamic Art & Architecture | TIAR |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Islamic Studies and History | TISH |
MPhil in Islamic Art & Archaeology | HIAR |
MPhil in Islamic Studies and History | HISH |
MPhil in Japanese Studies (Year 1) | TJAS |
MPhil in Japanese Studies | HJAS |
MPhil in Latin American Studies | HLAS |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Jewish Studies | TJWS |
MPhil in Jewish Studies | HJWS |
MPhil in Judaism & Christianity in the Graeco-Roman World | HJAC |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Late Antique and Byzantine Studies | TLAB |
MPhl in Late Antique and Byzantine Studies | HLAB |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Latin American Studies | TLAS |
MPhil in Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics Year 1 | HLPO |
MPhil in Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics | HLPP |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Modern Chinese Studies | TOMC |
MPhil in Modern Chinese Studies | HOMC |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Modern Middle Eastern Studies | TOMM |
MPhil in Modern Middle Eastern Studies | HOMM |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Modern South Asian Studies | TSAS |
MPhil in Modern South Asian Studies | HSAS |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Nature, Society and Environmental Governance | TNSG |
MPhil in Philosophical Theology | HPHT |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Politics | TPOL |
MPhil in Politics | HPOL |
MPhil in Russian & East European Studies | HRES |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Russian & East European Studies | TRES |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Slavonic Studies | TSLS |
MPhil in Slavonic Studies | HSLS |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Sociology and Demography | TSAD |
MPhil in Sociology and Demography | HSAD |
MPhil in Theology | HTHD |
MPhil in Theology | HTHE |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Tibetan & Himalayan Studies | TTHS |
MPhil in Tibetan & Himalayan Studies | HTHS |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Traditional East Asia | TOTE |
MPhil in Traditional East Asia | HOTE |
MPhil Qualifying Examination in Water Science, Policy and Management | TWPM |
MSc Examinations
Title | Timetable (pdf) |
MSc in Advanced Computer Science | JACS |
MSc in Applied Cancer Science | JAPC |
MSc in Archaeological Science | JARC |
MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation & Management | JBCM |
MSc in Clinical Embryology | JCEM |
MSc in Clinical and Therapeutic Neuroscience | JCTN |
MSc in Clinical Trials | JCTR |
MSc in Clinical Trials | JCTS |
MSc in Comparative Social Policy | JCSP |
MSc in Contemporary Chinese Studies | JCCS |
MSc in Criminology & Criminal Justice | JCCJ |
MSc in Economic & Social History | JESH |
MSc in Economics for Development | JEFD |
MSc in Environmental Change & Management | JENV |
MSc in Evidence Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation | JSPE |
MSc in Financial Economics | JMFE |
MSc in Genomic Medicine | JGEM |
MSc in Global Governance and Diplomacy | JGGD |
MSc in Global Healthcare Leadership | JGHM |
MSc in Global Health Science and Epidemiology | JGHE |
MSc in Integrated Immunology | JIMM |
MSc in International Health & Tropical Medicine (Trinity) | JIHT |
MSc in Intellectual Property | JIPL |
MSc in International Human Rights Law (Year 1) | JIHR |
MSc in International Human Rights Law (Year 2) | JIHS |
MSc in Japanese Studies | JJAS |
MSc in Latin American Studies | JLAS |
MSc in Law and Finance | JLAF |
MSc in Mathematical and Computational Finance | JMCF |
MSc in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics | JMTP |
MSc in Mathematical Modelling & Scientific Computing | JMAT |
MSc in Mathematical Sciences | JMAS |
MSc in Medical Physics with Radiobiology | JMPR |
MSc in Migration Studies | JMIG |
MSc in Modern Middle Eastern Studies | JOMM |
MSc in Modern South Asian Studies | JSAS |
MSc in Musculoskeletal Sciences | JMSL |
MSc in Nature, Society & Environmental Governance | JNSG |
MSc in Neuroscience | JNEU |
MSc in Pharmacology | JPHA |
MSc in Political Theory Research | JPTR |
MSc in Politics Research | JPOR |
MSc in Precision Cancer Medicine | JPCN |
MSc in Radiobiology | JRAD |
MSc in Radiation Biology | JRBI |
MSc in Refugee and Forced Migration Studies | JFOM |
MSc in Russian & East European Studies | JRES |
MSc in Social Science of the Internet | JSSI |
MSc in Sociology | JSOC |
MSc in Statistical Science | JSTS |
MSc in Sustainability, Enterprise and the Environment | JSEE |
MSc in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry | JTCC |
MSc in Water Science, Policy and Management | JWPM |
MSt Examinations
Title | Timetable (pdf) |
MSt in Classical Armenian Studies | KCAS |
MSt Examination in Comparative Literature and Critical Translation | KCCT |
MSt in Classical Archaeology | KCLA |
MSt in Classical Hebrew Studies | KCLH |
MSt in Diplomatic Studies | KDIS |
MSt in Greek and/or Latin Languages and Literature | KGLL |
MSt in Greek and/or Roman History | KGRH |
MSt in International Human Rights Law | KIHR |
MSt in Islamic Art and Archaeology | KIAR |
MSt in Jewish Studies | KJWS |
MSt in Korean Studies | KKOR |
MSt in Late Antique and Byzantine Studies | KLAB |
MSt in Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics | KLPP |
MSt in Medieval Studies | KMES |
MSt in Philosophical Theology | KPHT |
MSt in Slavonic Studies | KSLS |
MSt in Study of Religion | KSTR |
MSt in Syriac Studies | KSYR |
MSt in Theology | KTHE |
MSt in Traditional China | KTCH |
Other - MBA, Medicine, Prize Examination
Title | Timetable (pdf) |
Bachelor of Civil Law | EBCL |
Bachelor Examinations in Theology | PBTC |
Degree of Bachelor of Medicine | FBMV |
Degree of Bachelor of Medicine (Part I) | FBMA |
Degree of Bachelor of Medicine (Part II) | FBMB |
Degree of Bachelor of Medicine (Second Examination) | FBMZ |
DPhil in Economics | TECS |
Master of Business Administration | LMBA |
Executive Master of Business Administration | LMBS |
Executive Master of Business Administration | LMBT |
Foundation Year | RFYR |
Graduate Entry Medicine | FBMG |
Graduate Entry Medicine (Year 2) | FBMH |
Magister Juris | EMJU |
Postgraduate Certificate in Statistics and Epidemiology | PSEP |
Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Strategy | MFST |
Postgraduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Law and Practice | MIPL |
Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Studies | MLLS |
Postgraduate Diploma in Theology and Religion | MTAR |
Qualifying Examination for Probationer Research in Development Studies | PDEV |
Probationer Research in Economics | PFIN |
Second Examination for the degree of Bachelor of Medicine | FBMY |
Supplementary Subject in Aromatic and Heterocyclic Pharmaceutical Chemistry | SARH |
Supplementary Subject in Chemical Pharmacology | SCHP |
Supplementary Subject in Chemical Crystallography | SCMC |
Supplementary Subject in History and Philosophy of Science | SHPS |
Supplementary Subject in Quantum Chemistry | SQUC |
Undergraduate Certificate in Theological Studies | QTHS |