Oxford is world-famous for research excellence and home to some of the most talented people from across the globe. Our work helps the lives of millions, solving real-world problems through a huge network of partnerships and collaborations. The breadth and interdisciplinary nature of our research sparks imaginative and inventive insights and solutions.

Caribbean men found to spend most time doing household chores in UK study.

Who does most of the housework in multicultural Britain?


Meanwhile, Indian men report taking on a fairer share of routine housework than white British men – even though Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi women report spending significantly more time on housework than white British women.


Man-made climate change helped cause south of England floods, say scientists


Human-induced climate change increased the risk of severe storms like those that hit the south of England in the winter of 2013/14, causing devastating flooding and costing several people their...
The UK petition for Donald Trump to be barred from the UK rapidly succeeded: being signed by more than 500,000 in just days.

Predicting political surprises and uprisings before they happen


The researchers focussed on the digital traces left by tiny acts of political participation to find clues for why movements or campaigns snowball into significant collective action while others quickly fail.

Scales of justice

The public gives its verdict on how ombudsmen deal with complaints


In terms of what was valued most about those dealing with their complaint, the survey revealed the public wanted ombudsman staff to 'keep their word' and wanted the outcome properly explained.

Humanities digital

TORCH's 2016 headline series to be launched with live-streamed event

Oxford Arts Blog

'Humanities and the Digital Age' is the topic of this year’s Annual Headline Series in The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH).

Women's same-sex marriages outnumbered those of men by 5 to 4, says the research.

'No rush for same-sex weddings when compared with civil partnerships'


The paper published in the journal Family Law, shows there was no rush for same-sex marriages compared with the numbers wanting civil partnerships, which first became available in December 2005 (with the Civil Partnership Act).

Definition of word morality in dictionary

Professor Jeff McMahan

How to live a happy life

Being a morally good, and in some ways self-sacrificing, person is one of the best ways to have a life that is not only objectively good, but also subjectively satisfying. This is something that psychologists have been confirming and I think people have known it for a long time.
Feeding the Mind – With Oily Fish

Feeding the Mind – With Oily Fish


Could a substance found in certain fish help childhood reading scores – and if so how?

Steve Ballmer, Chief Executive at Microsoft, on a visit to Saïd Business School in 2014.

New CEOs who 'talk the talk' drive up stock prices


The study of the effects on stock prices of more than 900 public presentations on strategy by the CEOs of leading American companies revealed that new CEOs who present their strategy within the first 100 days of their appointment can see stock prices rise by an average of 5.3% on presentation day


Professor Will MacAskill

How to live a happy life

Making these decisions about how you spend your income – deciding to live on less in order to give more rather than just spend it on yourself – is an exceptional way to not really make your life any less happy but do huge amounts for other people.
Carimbo dancers of Marajó teach Dr Bronwyn Tarr their traditional dance Image credit: Emanoela Neves

Dr Bronwyn Tarr

How to live a happy life

Our life expectancy is closely linked to our sense of community and the quality of the relationships that make up our communities. The reality is that even in the modern world, we can’t actually get by just on our own – we do rely on friendships to keep us happy and help us live a long and healthy life.

Professor Liz Tunbridge

How to live a happy life

Psychiatric disorders are the disorders of what makes us human, they’re the disorders of social interactions with other people, of how you perceive the world and I found that absolutely fascinating.
BAGAN, MYANMAR - DEC 6: Unidentified young Buddhism novices at Shwezigon temple on Dec 6, 2014 in Bagan. Buddhism is predominantly of the Theravada tradition, practised by 89% of the population.

Professor Richard Gombrich

How to live a happy life

What messages does Buddhism give about how we can be content or ‘happy’?

Shared bad experiences at the hands of hostile outsiders can lead to 'identity fusion'.

'Shared bad memories' bind fighters and terrorists to their groups


Previous research has shown that such extreme behaviour can be driven by 'identity fusion', a strong sense of ‘oneness’ with their group.

Songs and games learned at children's centres were adopted in the home.

Children's centres 'improve parenting skills of disadvantaged families'


An Oxford University study says children’s centres across England have successfully reached out to support vulnerable families in disadvantaged communities, especially in supporting parenting...
US dollars

‘$20 billion of hidden fees charged by private equity firms’


Dr Ludovic Phalippou, Associate Professor of Finance at the Saïd Business School, and his coauthors Dr Christian Rauch and Professor Dr Mark Umber examined the portfolio fees of 592 US companies worth $1.1 trillion in total.

Children in care did better than children 'in need' who stayed with their families.

Being in foster care found to benefit vulnerable young people's education


A new research study launched today identifies the key factors that influence how well children in care do in schools in England and finds children who are fostered make better educational...
Female migrant workers

The health toll on female migrant workers in Gulf countries


New research reveals the huge physical and mental health toll suffered by migrant women from poorer Asian countries like Sri Lanka who go to the Gulf countries to work as cleaners and maids. 
Corporal punishment 300

Children hit by their teachers linked with lower test scores later


Researchers found that corporal punishment experienced by eight-year-old children is linked with lower maths scores when the same children reach the age of 12 as compared with their peers who did not report being hit.

White working class boys from poor neighbourhoods face a ‘double disadvantage’ of low family income and place poverty linked to their wider community

Why so few poor, white working class boys go on to take A levels


Just 29% of this group will continue to take AS, A levels or another qualification after GCSE, compared with around half (45%) of white working class boys living in more affluent areas and two-thirds (68%) of boys from more advantaged families.


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