Research funding, applications and awards
We have a wealth of information at Oxford to help researchers and research support staff to find funding, assist with the application process, and manage resulting research awards.
Main links
- Research Support – for all research projects
- Oxford Global Research – for EC/Horizon 2020, Global Challenges Research Fund and ODA research
How to find funding
Research Professional
Research Professional holds details of thousands of research funding opportunities as well as tips on targeting funders, advice for early career researchers and research policy news. It is free to use for everyone at Oxford. To make the most of Research Professional see our training and guidance.
Check our websites for internal funding opportunities, coordinated University bids, EC and GCRF/ODA funding (see right for quick links).
Applying for funding
Research process overview
Are you new to the research funding process at Oxford? Start with our research process chart for an overview of what you need to consider as part of your research funding application. This includes research governance and ethics approval requirements, how to cost and price your project, and the need for research contracts or agreements.
Check our websites for details of the application process at Oxford and funder/scheme guidance.
Managing awards
Check our websites for information on financial project management (start with the summary for PIs – SSO required), reporting to funders, data management and open access requirements.