Welcome to Oxford

Congratulations on your appointment.

We welcome you into a community of around 5,000 research staff who help make this University one of the best places in the world to do research.

You, your research and your career development are important to colleagues across the University. The Researcher Hub is here to help you settle in, find friends and resources in good time, and to support your professional and career development.

Moving to Oxford can be daunting, however, the University and city are full of opportunities once you know how to find them.

Please watch this short video for top tips from your fellow researchers.

Links to tips mentioned:

  • Oxford Research Staff Society is a vibrant University-wide community hosting many social and professional gatherings. Sign up for their mailing list - there is something for everyone!
  • Researcher’s Trailmap to find what you need in this large, complex University, and help you look after yourself, your research and your career from your arrival to your onward career step.
  • Living in Oxford to find clubs, societies, museums, parks, theatres, festivals and other activities that are happening.

We also strongly recommend that you:

  • Follow the University’s When You Start pages for all staff,  including what to do in your first weeks.
  • Meet with your line manager to clarify what is expected of you by them, or by the project Principal Investigator, funder and any others involved. Agree on what you will deliver by when, and set up regular meetings to discuss progress and any support needs you may have.
  • Ask yourself “What do I want to gain from being at Oxford beyond the research I am employed to do? Where do I see myself in five to ten years' time?”, talk about your professional development and career goals with colleagues, including your line manager in your annual Career Development Review or equivalent conversation.
  • Consult your line manager/Principal Investigator or your departmental administrator if you are unsure about anything.
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