Oxplore Live: Do we make our own luck?

Oxplore Live
Event date
Event time
14:00 - 14:45
Education Centre, Ashmolean Museum
Event cost
Target audience
Students, Teachers
Age range
All ages
Required Book here

Are some people luckier than others? Do we control our own destiny or are the the things that happen to us preordained by fate? For centuries people have carried talismans, created rituals and consulted the stars in a bid to attract good fortune. But if luck is something that we can control, how come bad things still happen?

From 2:00-2:45pm on Wednesday 18 December we're giving you the opportunity to explore this topic further with an expert panel from the University of Oxford. This time we'll be coming to you live from the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, with a special show and tell of 'lucky' items from their world famous collection of antiquities.

We've designed this event specifically for young people aged 11-18. Tickets are free and the only technical requirements are internet access and a free Vimeo account.

Registrations will close at 1pm on the day of the event.