Law Taster Day 2025 (Clifford Chance)

Event date
Event time
9:00 - 17:00
Event cost
Law Faculty
Information for visitors with disabilities

Wheelchair accessible rooms, hearing loop available. Please mention requirements when registering.

Target audience
Age range
Age 16-17 (year 12)
Required Book here

Every year the Faculty of Law open their doors to prospective Year 12 students from all over the UK. During the event the students attend law lectures, seminars, meet lawyers, converse with current law students and have lunch and a tour of a college.

Schools can nominate two Year 12 students that have an interest in Law and would like to learn more about the Oxford BA programme. Unfortunately, we do have a limited capacity of 200 places per day.

How to apply:

Teachers: You can request the link by emailing [email protected].

Students: Please speak to your teachers about the event. If they have already nominated two students, you can sign yourself up for the online event on 19 March from January onwards.