David Sumpter: How Learning Ten Equations Can Improve Your Life

Event date
Event time
17:00 - 18:00
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road
Event cost
Target audience
Parents, Students, Teachers
Age range
Age 15-16 (year 11), Age 16-17 (year 12), Age 17-18 (year 13)
Not required

Is there a secret formula for becoming rich? Or for happiness? Or for becoming popular? Or for self-confidence and good judgement? David Sumpter answer these questions with an emphatic ‘Yes!' All YOU need are The Ten Equations.

In this lecture David will reveal three of these: the confidence equation that helps gamblers know when they have a winning strategy; the influencer equation that shapes our social interactions; and the learning equation that YouTube used to get us addicted to their videos. A small group of mathematicians have used these equations to revolutionise our world. Now you can use them too to better manage your time and make money, have a more balanced approach to your popularity and even to become a nicer person.

David Sumpter is Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Uppsala, Sweden.

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