Detail of the façade of the Bodleian Library in Oxford showing Justice with her scales and blindfold
Detail of the façade of the Bodleian Library in Oxford showing Justice with her scales and blindfold.
(Credit: David Williams)

Law (Jurisprudence)

Course overview

UCAS code: See course options
Entrance requirements: AAA
Course duration: 3 years or 4 years with year abroad (BA equivalent to LLB)

Subject requirements

Required subjects: For Law with Law Studies in Europe (also known as ‘Course II’), a relevant language is required but please note that Italian is treated differently (as set out on this page). A relevant language is not required for Law with European Law. 
There is no separate language qualification required for the standard (3 year) BA in Jurisprudence (this is separate from the University's English Language requirements for international students). 

Recommended subjects: Not applicable
Helpful subjects:  A subject involving essay writing

Other course requirements

Admissions tests: LNAT
Written Work: None

Admissions statistics*


Interviewed: 34%
Successful: 11%
Intake: 197

Course II:

Interviewed: 28%
Successful: 9%
Intake: 29

*3-year average 2021-23


Tel: +44 (0) 1865 271497
Email: [email protected]

Unistats information for each course combination can be found at the bottom of the page

Please note that there may be no data available if the number of course participants is very small.

About the course

Studying law will not only help you pursue a career as a solicitor or barrister: it will also help you develop a diverse set of skills which you will be able to apply in many different situations.

You will learn to assimilate and analyse complex information, construct arguments, write with precision and clarity and think on your feet. The Oxford Law degree aims to develop all these skills, but its particular strength is in teaching you to think for yourself.

Students are expected to read a good deal, mostly from primary sources, and to develop views not simply about what the law is, but also about why it is so, whether it should be so, and how it might be different.

There are two Law courses at Oxford:

  • Course I is a three-year course
  • Course II is a four-year course.  It follows the same syllabus as Course I. However, the third year is taken abroad at a university in France, Germany, Italy, or Spain (studying French, German, Italian, or Spanish law), or the Netherlands (studying European and International law).

Students on Course II (Law with Law Studies in Europe) gain additional skills through exposure to different legal systems and the different approaches to teaching practised by our European partner institutions. In all countries, aside from the Netherlands, you will be expected to study in the local language. 

Students who have graduated in other subjects may undertake the accelerated ‘Senior Status’ version of Course I. Please refer to the Law Faculty website for further information about the courses.

Astrophoria Foundation Year

If you’re interested in studying Law but your personal or educational circumstances have meant you are unlikely to achieve the grades typically required for Oxford courses, then choosing to apply for Law with a Foundation Year might be appropriate.

Visit our Foundation Year course pages for more details. 

students at a lectureLaw Librarystudents socializing

'Studying Law at Oxford is a unique experience. I feel I have learnt as much about politics, philosophy and sociology as I have about the law! It equips me with the fullest understanding of the law possible. The reasons behind studying something so abstract as Jurisprudence or Roman Law seemed incomprehensible at first, but it all became clear once I started studying them. For example, the ability to see how contract interacts with tort law will help now in exams, as well as when the time comes to leave university and start a career.'


'There are three main reasons [why I chose Law]: first, I want to protect myself, my family and under-represented groups: women, children, animals, and so on. I have a feeling that law is a powerful shield and weapon. Second, law is a subject with a broad application. I don't have in mind a specific occupation, but I know the type of work I'm interested in (in general terms, represent and care for the under-represented and to catalyse change). Law would allow me to figure out the best match between my legal knowledge and interest. Third, I know that this degree will expose me to many opportunities to build up the set of skills useful for the work I'm interested in.'


'One thing I can never get over is the fact that world-leading academics are teaching you and just the standard of excellence we get here. That main core textbook? Your lecturer probably wrote or edited it. That really famous scientist/academic/judge/barrister/author/poet/etc. very likely sat in the same room you do lectures in. My course is amazing because of my fellow lawyers … not only are we super close outside of the library/tutorials, but the conversations and discussions we can have are indispensable. Building on one another's ideas, thoughts and views from the reading, assessing one another's essays/problem questions.'


Unistats information

Discover Uni course data provides applicants with Unistats statistics about undergraduate life at Oxford for a particular undergraduate course.

Please select 'see course data' to view the full Unistats data for Law. 

Please note that there may be no data available if the number of course participants is very small. 

Visit the Studying at Oxford section of this page for a more general insight into what studying here is likely to be like.


Law with European Law

Law with French Law

Law with German Law

Law with Italian Law

Law with Spanish Law

A typical week

You will usually be studying between one and two subjects at any one time (or up to three subjects in your third year). Therefore, in any given week you are likely to have one or two hour-long tutorials (in a group of two to four students) and you will normally be asked to write an essay for each tutorial.

The tutorial system is our core form of teaching. Lectures are offered in all subjects as well. Lectures are non-compulsory, but attendance at them is strongly encouraged. On average, most students will go to two to three hours of lectures (or discussion-based seminars for third year options) each week.

Most of your working time will be devoted to reading, thinking, and writing your essays in preparation for the tutorials. We anticipate the workload is 45 hours per week.

Tutorials are usually 2-4 students and a tutor. Classes, which are generally organised by individual colleges, are usually 6-10 students.

Seminars for second-year Jurisprudence mini-options and third-year optional courses generally involve groups of no more than 30 students but may on occasion exceed that number if the seminar covers more than one option. 

Most tutorials, classes, and lectures are delivered by staff who are researchers in that subject. Many are world-leading experts with years of experience in teaching and research. Some teaching may also be delivered by postgraduate students who are usually studying at the doctoral level.

To find out more about how our teaching year is structured, visit our Academic Year page.

Course structure

Year 1 (Terms 1 and 2)



  • Criminal law
  • Constitutional law
  • A Roman introduction to Private Law
  • Legal research skills and mooting programme

For those on Course II, there are also French/German/Italian/Spanish law and language classes during the first six terms, or, for those going to the Netherlands, introductory Dutch language courses in the second year

First University examinations: three written papers, one each in Criminal law, Constitutional law and a Roman Introduction to Private Law.

You will be examined in your first year, currently at the end of the 2nd term.

Year 1 (Term 3), Years 2 and 3 (and 4)



  • Tort law
  • Contract law
  • Trusts
  • Land law
  • Administrative law
  • European Union law
  • Jurisprudence
  • Two optional subjects, chosen from a wide range of options

Course II: Year 3 is spent abroad

Final University examinations:
  • One written paper at the end of the final year in each or Tort law, Contract law, Trusts, Land law, Administrative law, European law.
  • Jurisprudence: one shorter written paper at the end of the final year, plus an essay written in the summer vacation at the end of the second year
  • Two optional subjects: normally written papers but methods of assessment may vary
Course II students will also be assessed during their year abroad by the university they attend.

A full list of current options is available on the Law website. Not every option will be run each year. 

The content and format of this course may change in some circumstances. Read further information about potential course changes.

Academic requirements





Advanced Highers:

AAB or AA with an additional Higher at grade A

International Baccalaureate (IB):

38 (including core points) with 666 at HL

Any other equivalent qualification:

 View information on other UK qualifications, and international qualifications.

Wherever possible, your grades are considered in the context in which they have been achieved.

Read further information on how we use contextual data.

Subject requirements

Law (Course I)


An essay subject can be helpful when completing this course but is not required for admission. 

Law with Law Studies in Europe (Course II)


To study in France, Germany or Spain candidates would be expected to have the relevant language to A-level, Advanced Higher, Higher Level in the IB or any other equivalent.

To study in Italy, candidates may be admitted without A-level Italian, though they would be expected to demonstrate sufficient language aptitude to be able to achieve the standard required to study successfully in Italy during the year abroad.

Intensive language training will be offered during the first two years of the course.


An essay subject can be helpful when completing this course but is not required for admission.

If a practical component forms part of any of your science A‐levels used to meet your offer, we expect you to pass it.

If English is not your first language you may also need to meet our English language requirements.

If your personal or educational circumstances have meant you are unlikely to achieve the grades listed above for undergraduate study, but you still have a strong interest in the subject, then applying for Law with a Foundation Year might be right for you.

Visit the Foundation Year course pages for more details of academic requirements and eligibility.


All candidates must follow the application procedure as shown on our Applying to Oxford pages.

The following information gives specific details for students applying for this course.

Admissions test



Test date:

15 October 2024

Registration deadline:  

15 September 2024                               

All candidates must take the Law National Admissions Test (LNAT)  as part of their application.

A number of other universities also require candidates to sit this test, registration for the test is required and it is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that they are registered for these tests.

We strongly recommend making the arrangements in plenty of time before the deadline. Everything you need to know, including guidance on how to prepare, can be found on the LNAT page.

Candidates for Law with Law Studies in Europe who are applying for the French, German, Italian or Spanish law options will usually be given an oral test in the relevant European language at the time of interview.

Written work

You do not need to submit any written work when you apply for this course.

What are tutors looking for?

Academic achievement, reasoning ability, good communication skills both on paper and verbally, a capacity for hard work, and an interest in Law. 

Please visit the Law Faculty's website for more on admissions, including a video of a mock interview.

Find out more about the selection criteria for this course.


While there is no assumption that our Law graduates pursue a legal career, the majority of Oxford Law graduates do go on to the legal profession.

Although Oxford Law graduates gain a BA in Jurisprudence rather than an LLB, each of the Oxford Law courses counts as a qualifying law degree so Oxford Law graduates can immediately go on to the Bar Professional Training Course (for barristers). 

The routes to qualifying as a solicitor are changing, and students starting degree programmes from 2022 or later will need to undertake the Solicitors’ Qualifying Examination (SQE). For more information about this, refer to the SRA website.

Many Oxford Law graduates go on to successful careers practising law outside England and Wales. The Oxford Law courses naturally focus on English law, but the fundamental principles of English common law play a key role in other jurisdictions.

Graduates of the four-year course also gain important international knowledge during their year abroad. Please contact the relevant local regulatory body you want to know the status of an English law degree in another jurisdiction.

Victoria undertook a training contract with Linklaters. She says:

‘Studying Law at Oxford was about so much more than just learning and applying the law. I learnt to consider its history, and the social and political context within which it now operates. Throughout, I was challenged to critically assess what I was learning and its broader context, and to develop my own opinions.’

We don't want anyone who has the academic ability to get a place to study here to be held back by their financial circumstances. To meet that aim, Oxford offers one of the most generous financial support packages available for UK students and this may be supplemented by support from your college.


Please note that for full-time Home undergraduate students, current university policy is to charge fees at the level of the cap set by the government. The cap is currently set at £9,250 in 2024/25 and this has been included below as the guide annual course fee for courses starting in 2025. However, this page will be updated once the government has confirmed course fee information for full-time Home undergraduates starting courses in 2025. For details of annual increases, please see our guidance on likely increases to fees and charges.

Fee status

Annual Course fees


Further details about fee status eligibility can be found on the fee status webpage.

For more information please refer to our course fees page. Fees will usually increase annually. For details, please see our guidance on likely increases to fees and charges.

Living costs

Living costs at Oxford might be less than you’d expect, as our world-class resources and college provision can help keep costs down.

Living costs for the academic year starting in 2025 are estimated to be between £1,425 and £2,035 for each month you are in Oxford. Our academic year is made up of three eight-week terms, so you would not usually need to be in Oxford for much more than six months of the year but may wish to budget over a nine-month period to ensure you also have sufficient funds during the holidays to meet essential costs. For further details please visit our living costs webpage.

Financial support


A tuition fee loan is available from the UK government to cover course fees in full for Home (UK, Irish nationals and other eligible students with UK citizens' rights - see below*) students undertaking their first undergraduate degree**, so you don’t need to pay your course fees up front.

In 2025 Oxford is offering one of the most generous bursary packages of any UK university to Home students with a family income of around £50,000 or less, with additional opportunities available to UK students from households with incomes of £32,500 or less. The UK government also provides living costs support to Home students from the UK and those with settled status who meet the residence requirements.

*For courses starting on or after 1 August 2021, the UK government has confirmed that EU, other EEA, and Swiss Nationals will be eligible for student finance from the UK government if they have UK citizens’ rights (i.e. if they have pre-settled or settled status, or if they are an Irish citizen covered by the Common Travel Area arrangement). The support you can access from the government will depend on your residency status.

 See further details.

(Channel Islands and Isle of Man)

Islands students are entitled to different support to that of students from the rest of the UK.

Please refer the links below for information on the support to you available from your funding agency:

States of Jersey
States of Guernsey
Isle of Man


Please refer to the "Other Scholarships" section of our Oxford Bursaries and Scholarships page.

**If you have studied at undergraduate level before and completed your course, you will be classed as an Equivalent or Lower Qualification student (ELQ) and won’t be eligible to receive government or Oxford funding

Fees, Funding and Scholarship search

Additional Fees and Charges Information for Law (Jurisprudence) Course II

Students taking Law with Law Studies in Europe are currently expected to spend the third year of this course abroad studying at a host university. 

During the year abroad, students currently pay significantly reduced fees to the University. Fees for later years have not yet been confirmed but as an example, the course fees for a new cohort undergraduate student on a Jurisprudence course going on a year abroad in 2025 would equate to:

  • Home students: £1,385 for the year
  • Overseas students: £13,985 for the year (please note this is an illustrative example for 2025-26)

The Law Faculty has a series of bilateral agreements in place with partner EU institutions. Some funding towards year abroad placements is currently available through the Turing scheme, which provides living costs grants and enhanced support for disadvantaged students. The University plans to bid for Turing scheme funding to support year abroad activity in future academic years.

Students in Paris may be able to apply for housing benefit

As you will be studying a full year of courses in your host university we do not recommend that you plan to do any regular paid work while you are away. For information about living costs on your year abroad, please visit the website below for the relevant country:

UK students can continue to access government funding for living costs, and those from lower-income households who are means-tested will remain eligible for generous bursaries from Oxford.

Travel grants and financial assistance for those with insufficient funds may also be available through your college and the University. 

Contextual information

Unistats course data from Discover Uni provides applicants with statistics about a particular undergraduate course at Oxford. For a more holistic insight into what studying your chosen course here is likely to be like, we would encourage you to view the information below as well as to explore our website more widely.

The Oxford tutorial

College tutorials are central to teaching at Oxford. Typically, they take place in your college and are led by your academic tutor(s) who teach as well as do their own research. Students will also receive teaching in a variety of other ways, depending on the course. This will include lectures and classes, and may include laboratory work and fieldwork. However, tutorials offer a level of personalised attention from academic experts unavailable at most universities.

During tutorials (normally lasting an hour), college subject tutors will give you and one or two tutorial partners feedback on prepared work and cover a topic in depth. The other student(s) in your tutorials will be doing the same course as you. Such regular and rigorous academic discussion develops and facilitates learning in a way that isn’t possible through lectures alone. Tutorials also allow for close progress monitoring so tutors can quickly provide additional support if necessary.

Read more about tutorials and an Oxford education

College life

Our colleges are at the heart of Oxford’s reputation as one of the best universities in the world.

  • At Oxford, everyone is a member of a college as well as their subject department(s) and the University. Students therefore have both the benefits of belonging to a large, renowned institution and to a small and friendly academic community. Each college or hall is made up of academic and support staff, and students. Colleges provide a safe, supportive environment leaving you free to focus on your studies, enjoy time with friends and make the most of the huge variety of opportunities.
  • Each college has a unique character, but generally their facilities are similar. Each one, large or small, will have the following essential facilities:
    • Porters’ lodge (a staffed entrance and reception)
    • Dining hall
    • Lending library (often open 24/7 in term time)
    • Student accommodation
    • Tutors’ teaching rooms
    • Chapel and/or music rooms
    • Laundry
    • Green spaces
    • Common room (known as the JCR).
  • All first-year students are offered college accommodation either on the main site of their college or in a nearby college annexe. This means that your neighbours will also be ‘freshers’ and new to life at Oxford. This accommodation is guaranteed, so you don’t need to worry about finding somewhere to live after accepting a place here, all of this is organised for you before you arrive.
  • All colleges offer at least one further year of accommodation and some offer it for the entire duration of your degree. You may choose to take up the option to live in your college for the whole of your time at Oxford, or you might decide to arrange your own accommodation after your first year – perhaps because you want to live with friends from other colleges.
  • While college academic tutors primarily support your academic development, you can also ask their advice on other things. Lots of other college staff including welfare officers help students settle in and are available to offer guidance on practical or health matters. Current students also actively support students in earlier years, sometimes as part of a college ‘family’ or as peer supporters trained by the University’s Counselling Service.

Read more about Oxford colleges and how you choose