Science and technology

Links to the latest government, parliament and local government consultations relating to science and technology.

The Welsh Government's plan for transforming and modernising planned care and reducing waiting lists

Welsh Government consultation | Health and Social Care Committee

As part of its inquiry into the impact of the waiting times backlog on people in Wales who are waiting for diagnosis or treatment, the Health and Social Care Committee is seeking written evidence from health and social care stakeholders on the plan for transforming and modernising planned care and reducing waiting lists published by the Welsh Government on 26 April 2022. The Committee is seeking views on a number of matters, including: whether the plan will be sufficient to address the backlogs in routine care that have built up during the pandemic, and reduce long waits; whether the plan adequately addresses health and social care workforce pressures, including retention, recruitment, and supporting staff to work flexibly, develop their skills and recover from the trauma of the pandemic; and whether there is sufficient clarity about how digital tools and data will be developed and used to drive service delivery and more efficient management of waiting times?

Deadline: 10 June 2022

App security and privacy interventions

UK government consultation | Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport

The UK government conducted a review into the app store ecosystem from December 2020 to March 2022. The review found that malicious and poorly developed apps continue to be accessible to users, therefore it is evident that some developers are not following best practice when creating apps. All app stores share a common threat profile with malware contained within apps the most prevalent risk. Additionally, prominent app store operators are not adequately signposting app requirements to developers and providing detailed feedback if an app or update is rejected. The government’s intention is to ensure consumers are protected from online threats by taking forward a robust set of interventions which are proportionate, pro-innovation and future-facing. The review therefore explored various options to address these challenges. The main intervention the government is proposing at this initial stage is a voluntary Code of Practice for all app store operators and developers. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide their views on the proposed interventions, including the content of the proposed Code and whether additional proposals should be taken forward. The government would welcome any data which illustrates the financial and wider impact of implementing the Code of Practice.

Deadline: 23:45 BST, 29 June 2022