Christ Church
The tower at Christ Church
(Image Credit: Yixing Wu / Graduate Photography Competition)
Applicant Self-Service Guide

Status of supporting documents

Checking the status of supporting documents

To check the status of your supporting documents, use the 'Supporting Documents' button for the relevant application. You will see up to three different tables listing the documents that have been uploaded to your application.

A status will appear by each of the mandatory documents that you have uploaded. A 'View' button will appear by all documents.

Table 1: Mandatory document details

All documents that must be received (mandatory documents) before your application is assessed will be listed in this table with their status. If you have uploaded any documents via the self-service portal that do not meet our requirements, they will be marked as ‘rejected’ with the reason provided, once they have been checked.

Table 2: Uploaded document details (not checked yet)

This table will show the details of non-mandatory documents that you have uploaded eg an English Language Test Result. It will also show the details of mandatory documents which have been uploaded via the Self-Service portal which have either not yet been checked or have been rejected.

Table 3: Other documents

When you first upload a new document via self-service, the status of the document will show as ‘Uploaded - pending check’. Once a mandatory document has been checked, the status of your document will – if it meets our requirements - be updated to ‘Received’. At this point, mandatory documents will be moved from this table to the 'Mandatory Document Details' table. Non-mandatory documents which have been checked and meet our requirements will not show a status against them, and will be moved to the ‘Other document details’ table.

If a document you have uploaded does not meet our requirements, it will be marked as 'rejected' with the reason provided and will move to the relevant table depending on whether the document is mandatory or non-mandatory.

Please note that it may take some time to check documents, particularly around application deadlines when this may take 2-3 weeks, so please refer back to the Supporting Documents page in the Self-Service portal in a few days rather than contacting Graduate Admissions. For further information on deadlines and the processing of applications, consult the Graduate Admissions website.

Document status definitions


This will show under Mandatory document details only.

This status will display if the requirements for this mandatory document has been waived, ie does not need to be supplied.

Not received

This will show under Mandatory document details only.

This means the document was not received (or a newly uploaded document has not been checked yet), see below for information on how to upload a new supporting document.

Received – pending check

This will show under Mandatory document details only.

This means the document has been received but not yet checked.


This will show under Mandatory document details and means that the document has been received and approved.

Received but did not meet requirements, please re-supply

This will show under Mandatory document details and means that the document must be re-supplied as it did not meet our requirements.


This will show under Mandatory document details and Other document details. You will also be able to view a PDF of the document which has been rejected so you can check the issue.
If this status shows, a document was deemed unsatisfactory and the reason for this will be stated. For example, a transcript will be rejected if it does not show the name of the institution it was issued by or your name. A piece of written work will be rejected if it does not meet the specifications on the course page, for example because it exceeds the word count set by the department or you are listed as a co-author with no explanation as to your contribution.

Full details of the requirements for supporting documents are available on the relevant course page and in the Application Guide 

For instructions on how to upload a new supporting document, see below.

Uploaded - pending check

This will only show under Uploaded document details (not checked yet) for documents which have been uploaded via self-service which have not yet been checked.

How to upload a new supporting document

If you are still missing any required documents after you apply, you will be able to upload these via Graduate Applicant Self-Service. If you are uploading a document that has previously been uploaded, the original will be removed/replaced, except for transcripts and test scores, where multiple documents will be retained on your application. You must ensure that you upload any missing documents before the application deadline for the course you are applying for.

Please do not upload any documents that are not required to support your application, such as a degree certificate or photograph.

Once your application is ready for assessment, you will only be able to upload transcripts and/or English language test results. After this point, you will not be able to upload updated versions of the following:

  • CV (if a separate one is required for your course)
  • written work
  • research proposal
  • statement of purpose

If you upload replacement documents after the deadline (excluding transcripts and language test scores), we will reject them, as accepting them would change the completion date of your application and result in your application being considered late and not considered by the academic department. If your application was incomplete at the deadline, we will accept outstanding documents if they meet our requirements, but your application will still be considered incomplete at the deadline and is unlikely to be assessed by the academic department. If a later separate deadline is in operation for the course to which you are applying, your application will become complete for that deadline.

Once a decision has been made on your application, no further documents can be uploaded.

FAQs - Supplementary Materials