Researcher Insights

This resource was developed through a 7-month interview study and aims to provide an initial springboard to help researchers plan and develop more participatory processes and practices in their research. This is not a prescriptive set of instructions, but a collection of insights from researchers, and suggestions for further reading about specific elements of participatory research. The resource was developed from in-depth interviews with researchers who have expertise in diverse participatory collaborations: the interviews sought to collate experiences and distil them into a resource to share key learnings.


The authors would like to express their sincere thanks to the researchers who took part in the interviews: the value of the resource, and the insights generated, are indebted to the researchers’ openness to share and discuss their experiences. This work was supported by the University of Oxford via its Participatory Research Fund (PRF) allocation from Research England in 2021/22 and 2022/23. The PRF is intended to build capacity in participatory research. Thank you also to Dr Rowena Fletcher-Wood and Luke Caunt for their hard work in support of the Participatory Research Oxford programme of activity, and to the research ethics committee who reviewed the application giving very helpful feedback.

Cite as: Scott-Barrett*, J., Marshall-Brown*, A., Livingstone-Banks, M., Chrisinger, B., Scher, B., Hickman, M. (2023) Participatory Research: Researcher Insights. University of Oxford *(joint first authorship)

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