Archive of community announcements
June 2017: Cycling petition
Following the tragic death of Claudia Comberti while cycling in Oxford, the Vice-Chancellor has received a petition to “End cycling deaths in Oxford” which requests the University to ask the City and County Councils to make cycling safer within the city. The full letter is available online.
Through its Transport Strategy The University of Oxford is committed to cycling as a key mode of sustainable travel in the city. It supports its staff and students to cycle about the city and undertakes many actions to facilitate and encourage safe cycling including:
- regular meetings with both County and City Councils to provide feedback on transport plans which proactively seek improved facilities for cyclists and pedestrians in Oxford;
- hosting traffic free cycle routes on its estate such as the Marston Meadows and South Parks Road cycle paths
- direct investment in improving highways infrastructure e.g. £35k to enable the Broad Street raised junction table to be constructed by late summer 2017
- free adult cycle training for staff and students
- free cycle maintenance for staff
- discounted D-locks, quality LED lights and Hi-vis arm bands
- investment in the popular Oxonbike bike sharing scheme
- staff cycle loan scheme with discounts in local bike shops.
In response to the petition Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor William James will be meeting with cycling campaign groups in the city, and has asked for a meeting with the Leaders of both Oxfordshire County Council (the Highways Authority) and Oxford City Council (the Planning Authority).
March 2017: A statement - Local government reorganisation in Oxfordshire
The structure and smooth running of local government in Oxfordshire are of paramount importance to the University of Oxford. The future success of the University relies on efficient infrastructure, adequate housing, economic health and the provision of a thriving and enjoyable place for staff and students to live and work.
The University is an important stakeholder in discussions with the County, the City and other Oxfordshire districts that are working to establish a model that works best for the region and the City. The University has not expressed a preference for either of the proposed models. We hope, as the negotiations progress that a solution which reflects the differing interests and needs of Oxford and Oxfordshire in the most efficient way will be forthcoming.