Spiral staircase leading up through the college
(Image Credit: Richard Passmore / Graduate Photography Competition)

Other charges

This page contains information on charges that are made, that are not covered by course fees or when University course fees are no longer payable.

Additional course costs

In addition to course fees, there may be specific costs related to some courses of study, such as travel to and from modules in Oxford, field trips and consumables. You should consult the funding and costs information on the relevant course page in our Courses section, to see if any such costs are likely to apply to your chosen course. As part of your course requirements, you may need to choose a dissertation, a project or a thesis topic. Please note that, depending on your choice of topic and the research required to complete it, you may incur additional expenses, such as travel expenses, research expenses, fieldtrips, language teaching, music tuition, art materials, etc. You will need to meet these additional costs, although you may be able to apply for small grants from your department and/or college to help you cover some of these expenses.

Fees payable on late entry for examinations and late alteration of options

In 2024/25 and 2025/26, fees payable on late entry for examinations are as follows:

  1. where a candidate proposes to offer a book or subject or part of the examination which has already been offered by a candidate who entered by the due date and no change in the conduct of the examination is involved, £75 in 2024/25, £80 in 2025/26.
  2. where the provisions of (1.) are not satisfied but the chairman of examiners is willing to consent, £75 in 2024/25, £80 in 2025/26.

In 2024/25 and 2025/26, fees payable on late alteration of options are as follows:

  1. where a candidate proposes to offer a book or subject or part of the examination which has already been offered by a candidate who entered by the due date and no change in the conduct of the examination is involved, £75 in 2024/25, £80 in 2025/26.
  2. where the provisions of (1.) are not satisfied but the chairman of examiners is willing to consent, £75 in 2024/25, £80 in 2025/26.

Fees payable in respect of degrees

The following fees apply in 2024/25 and 2025/26:

Every person shall pay £105 in 2024/25 and £110 in 2025/26 on supplicating for admission to the degree of MA, provided that:

  • no fee shall be payable by any person on whom a degree has been conferred by special resolution or who incorporates in virtue of having obtained an educational position in the University;
  • no fee shall be payable by a Master of Surgery on supplicating for admission to the Degree of Master of Arts.

Every person shall pay £68 in 2024/25 and £75 in 2025/26 on accumulating the Degrees of Bachelor and Doctor of Civil Law.

Fees payable in respect of certificates and personal data

Certificates are issued on request. Information about the certificates available and the fees payable is shown on the degree certificates page.

Requests to be supplied with personal data under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are subject to a fee determined from time to time by Council, and subject to the maximum prescribed by the Home Secretary under the Regulation. Details of the current fee may be obtained contacting the Information Compliance Team.

Fees payable on registration, entry for an examination, application for leave to supplicate, or resubmission of a thesis for certain degrees

Fees payable in 2024/25 and 2025/26 are as follows:

(a) On admission to the Status of Student for the Degree of DM and for each subsequent year that the name of the student remains on the register of students for the degree £445 in 2023/24. 

(b) On entering for certain examinations:

  • Degree of BMus £446 in 2024/25, £475 in 2025/26
  • Degrees of BPhil, MPhil, MTh, MSc (by Coursework), MSt, MBA, MFA, MPP, and certain diplomas and certificates(i) on re-entering the examination £235 in 2024/25, £250 in 2025/26
  • Degree of MCh £188 in 2024/25, £200 in 2025/26

(c) On applying for leave to supplicate:

  • for the degree of MCh £705 in 2024/25, £750 in 2025/26
  • for the degree of DM: TBC
  • for the degrees of DD, DCL, DLitt, DSc and DMus: £3,540 in 2024/25, £3,780 in 2025/26

(d) On applying for leave to incorporate, under the provisions of Council Regulations 22 of 202, section 1.15: administration fee of £90 in 2024/25, £95 in 2025/26

(e) On resubmission of a thesis for the degree of MLitt, MTh, MSc (by Research), DPhil, or EngD £580 in 2024/25, £620 in 2025/26

(f) On resubmission for the degree of DM: TBC

Fees payable by certain students (Bench Fees)

If a person who is not a member of the University is admitted to work, and receive instruction or supervision, in any university department by the head of department, he or she shall pay such fee or fees as shall be prescribed by the head of department. The head of department shall have discretion to fix a fee or fees for any member of the University who is working in his or her department, unless that member is liable to pay course fees. No fee will be payable under this heading by any person who is paying fees for Clinical Students, as detailed below, or by Recognised or Visiting students, or by any salaried employee who is receiving instruction or supervision in the department in which he or she is working.

Fees payable by certain Clinical Students

Every person attached to the clinical school under regular instruction for a qualifying medical examination of another university or of a recognised professional institution shall, unless liable for a university composition fee, pay a fee of £10 on admission and a fee every three months at the annual rate applicable to students working for the Second Examination for the Degree of Bachelor of Medicine. The Regius Professor of Medicine shall have discretion to fix fees for persons attached to the clinical school who are not under regular instruction but who otherwise meet these conditions.


Fees will usually increase annually. For details, please see our guidance on likely increases to fees and charges.