Alok Sharma to join the Oxford Martin School as a Visiting Fellow
The Rt Hon Sir Alok Sharma KCMG will join the Oxford Martin School as a Visiting Fellow from 1st May.
Sir Alok will bring a unique set of perspectives to Oxford. He was elected as an MP in 2010, following a career in investment banking, and has served as Secretary of State for International Development, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and as President for COP26, the United Nations Climate Change Conference which met in Glasgow in 2021.
The Oxford Martin School hosts a diverse range of research programmes on global challenges, and a significant number relate to climate change. In addition to collaborating with these researchers, Sir Alok will also advise the University as it develops its climate and environment strategy and seeks to engage with relevant parties in the private sector and abroad.
Sir Alok commented: 'I am delighted to be joining Oxford and look forward to making a contribution to the University’s already huge range of climate change-related work, and assisting in maximising the impact that Oxford’s world-leading research has on addressing the societal challenge of climate change.'
Last year, Sir Alok gave the James Martin Memorial Lecture at Oxford’s Sheldonian Theatre, where he discussed the challenges of getting almost 200 countries to agree to a wide-ranging climate agreement in Glasgow in 2021. He also described the challenges of financing the scale of climate change action that is required, and emphasised the importance of engaging with the private sector.
Sir Charles Godfray, Director of the Oxford Martin School, said: 'We are delighted to welcome Sir Alok Sharma as a Visiting Fellow. His unique experience as President of COP26 means that our researchers and students working on climate change are eager to engage with him, and his knowledge and insights will enrich our work.'