Online Resources
There is a wide range of information and support available digitally, from resources designed to help you flex your academic skills, to advice about applying to university. Whatever your age or academic interests, you’ll find something here to help you explore further.
Who for: KS4-5 students
Discover your new favourite topic with our Springboard videos, bringing you cutting-edge research from Oxford's graduate students.
We've asked our students to share their research, from climate change and colonialism to microbiomes and mathematical logic. Browse the wide range of topics to find something you're interested in and kick start your own exploration of academic ideas outside the classroom.
Who for: Students, Teachers
An innovative digital outreach portal from the University of Oxford, Oxplore aims to engage those from 11 to 18 years old with debates and ideas that go beyond what is covered in the classroom. Big questions tackle complex ideas across a wide range of subjects and draw on the latest research undertaken at Oxford. Oxplore aims to realise aspirations, promote broader thinking and stimulate intellectual curiosity. This resource can be explored as an individual or used by a teacher to lead a class.
Who for: Students, Teachers, Families | Who for: Students (All), Teachers, Families
The University of Oxford YouTube channel has lots of useful videos including ones providing details on most Oxford courses. You might find these particularly useful when thinking about student life at Oxford:
Each of the Oxford for East England colleges has a YouTube channel too, with lots more videos to explore: Balliol College, Hertford College, Wadham College
Digital Resources
Who for: Students, Teachers, Families
We’ve pulled together our favourite online resources to support learning and exploration. They can help families and teachers to feed the curiosity of growing minds and enable older students to explore their interests further and to discover more about Oxford.
Unsung Heroes of Science
Who for: Students, Teachers
Watch all the entries to Hertford College’s video competition, shining a light on scientists who deserve wider recognition. For teachers, we’ve also created lesson plans and resources to accompany the videos and help integrate them into science lessons.
Applying to Oxford
Who for: Students, Teachers, Families
The main Oxford University website has a wealth of information available if you choose to apply to Oxford, including Applying to Oxford, Fees and funding and Student life
There is also lots of guidance regarding personal statements and admissions tests online, including tips, past papers and mark schemes. If you are invited to an interview then there are many ways you can prepare including by looking at past questions, watching guidance videos or seeing what tutors think of the interview process.
You can find mock interviews by Oxford and Cambridge online too. Even if there isn’t one for your course, you may find it useful to watch one for another subject to get a better idea of the interview process: Biology, Chemistry, Classics, Engineering, English, Law, Maths and Modern Languages