High angle aerial view of St Mary's Church and the Radcliffe Camera (a large ornate circular building) in Oxford.
Four Oxford researchers have been awarded Philip Leverhulme Prizes this year, each worth £100,000. Image credit: halbergman, Getty Images.

Five candidates in the final round of University of Oxford’s Chancellor election

Five candidates have now progressed to the second and final round of the election for the University of Oxford’s next Chancellor’s election.

The five candidates are: Lady Elish Angiolini, Rt Hon Dominic Grieve, Lord William Hague, Lord Peter Mandelson and Baroness Jan Royall.

Over 23,000 members of Convocation, consisting of staff and University alumni, cast their votes online in the first round of the election after 38 candidates applied for the role and expressed their interest through personal statements. In the first round, voters had the opportunity to rank as many candidates as they chose. Votes were then counted by an independent service provider, Civica Election Services

The second round of voting will take place in the week commencing 18 November. Following that, the successor to Lord Patten, Oxford’s former Chancellor who retired at the end of Trinity Term 2024, will be announced in the week of 25 November. 

The Chancellor is the titular head of Oxford University and presides over several key ceremonies. The Chancellor also chairs the Committee to Elect the Vice-Chancellor. In addition to these formal duties, the Chancellor undertakes advocacy, advisory and fundraising work, acting as an ambassador for the University at a range of national and international events. The post has been occupied at Oxford since 1224, exactly 800 years. 

The incoming Chancellor will be in post for a fixed term of no more than 10 years in accordance with amendments to University statutes enacted earlier this year. 

The Final Candidates: 

  • Lady Elish Angiolini
  • Rt Hon Dominic Grieve
  • Lord William Hague
  • Lord Peter Mandelson
  • Baroness Jan Royall

Their statements can be found here Candidate Statements in Alphabetical Order.