People walking under the Bridge of Sighs at sunset
Bridge of Sighs, Hertford College

(Image credit: Henry Lee (DPhil in Molecular and Cellular Medicine) / Graduate Photography Competition)

Advice about returning to Oxford

All students received an email last Friday, confirming that formal University in-person teaching may only resume from the start of Trinity term for those students who have already been given permission. All other teaching must take place online at this stage.

If you do not have in-person teaching scheduled, you may be able to return to Oxford if you meet the criteria listed in the ‘returning to Oxford’ section of the student University coronavirus webpage. Existing advice for international students is also available on that page.

If you believe that any of the criteria apply to you, and you wish to return to Oxford, you should contact your college (or your department if you don’t have a college). Please do not make plans to travel to Oxford until you have confirmed with your college when you are able to return.

Please note if you’re returning to Oxford this term, you are expected to get tested for COVID-19 before you travel back to Oxford, and then regularly when you return. Your college will provide you with two Lateral Flow Device (LFD) tests to take yourself at the start of term. After these initial tests, you should then get tested twice a week every week via the new symptom-free testing centres. The centres are in easy-to-access sites around Oxford, and they will follow strict safety measures.