Replaying the Tape

Dr Jane Boxall, Dr Frankie Dunn, Penny Boxall
Event date
Event time
19:30 - 21:30
Oxford University Museum of Natural History
Parks Road
Event type
Event cost
Disabled access?
Booking required

“Replay the tape a million times… and I doubt that anything like Homo sapiens would ever evolve again.” — Stephen J Gould

What strange kinds of animals might have existed if the dice-throw of evolution had fallen differently?

Replaying the Tape is a collaboration between New York-based composer Dr Jane Boxall, palaeontologist Dr Frankie Dunn, and poet Penny Boxall. Inspired by cutting-edge research into the early origins of life, this female-led performance will feature taped recordings from Dr Dunn's paleontological digs, live percussion, poetry, and choreographic and visual elements. Words and sound will conjure an imaginary menagerie of animals – contemplating the alternative paths that evolution could have taken, and the role that chance plays in our own existence.

The performance will be followed by a chance to meet the performers and investigate the fossils that inspired them while enjoying a drink at our bar.