
Oxford University is world-famous for research excellence. Our core commitment is to maintain originality, significance and rigour in research within a framework of the highest standards of infrastructure, training, and integrity.

Search below for a range of research stories by department or topic. These stories include impact case studies, videos, news and the research in conversation series. For more information please see individual department websites.

Genetic code

Take an online DNA test and you could be revealing far more than you realise

The Conversation

Getting your DNA sequenced is now so cheap and easy that you don’t need to see a medical professional. A variety of online companies are offering direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic tests for health or recreational purposes.

Antimatter changed physics, and the discovery of antimemories could revolutionise neuroscience

The Conversation

Antimatter deepened our understanding of our universe and the laws of physics, and now the same idea is being proposed to explain something equally mysterious: memory.
Crystal Structure of human

Smoothly does it: Structural insights into an unusual G-protein coupled receptor


A collaborative project between the Newstead and Sansom groups in the Department of Biochemistry and Christian Siebold’s group in the Division of Structural Biology has led to the first high resolution structure of a full length G-Protein Coupled Receptor called Smoothened.
Three-parent baby

Three-parent baby raises issues of long-term health risks

The Conversation

Professor of Mitochondrial Genetics, Joanna Poulton gives her views on the recent announcement that a baby boy, the first child to be born using a new technique that incorporates DNA from three people, is now five months old.
Rehabilitation in Oxford

Rehabilitation in Oxford


With approximately 9.6 million adults in England with musculoskeletal conditions, such as back pain or arthritis and a cost to the UK economy of around £7.4 billion a year through lost working days, it is essential we deliver evidence-based treatments which benefit these patients. Led by Professor Sallie Lamb at the Centre for Rehabilitation Research in Oxford (part of NDORMS), the Rehabilitation group focuses predominantly on rehabilitation for people with a range of chronic and acute musculoskeletal conditions and injuries, spanning children to older adults.


What is meningitis B – and why don’t older children get the vaccine?

The Conversation

A petition calling for the meningitis B vaccine to be given to all children, at least up to age 11 years has gained a record number of signatories.
cyber-security threat

Brainjacking – a new cyber-security threat

The Conversation

We live in an interconnected age where wirelessly controlled computing devices make almost every aspect of our lives easier, but they also make us vulnerable to cyber-security attacks.

Why doing good can do you good

The Conversation

We feel good when we do a good deed, so there must be a psychological benefit to helping others? But how can we know for sure?
Influenza virus

The ‘beating heart’ of the flu virus – and why scientists want to commandeer it

The Conversation

All it takes is a sneeze. A few days later, you wake up with a fever, a sore throat and a headache. By lunchtime, your nose is running and your muscles hurt. You have the flu
a mix heap of tablets

Warning: dietary supplements could seriously mess with your medication

The Conversation

Drugs can help – but what happens when you mix them?
A family migrating

Here’s how genetics helped crack the history of human migration

The Conversation

Over the past 25 years, scientists have supported the view that modern humans left Africa around 50,000 years ago, spreading to different parts of the world by replacing resident human species like the Neanderthals. However, rapid advances in genetic sequencing have opened up a whole new window into the past, suggesting that human history is much more complicated.
David Cameron

Rejection of sugar tax is based on faulty logic about the poor

The Conversation

When celebrity chef Jamie Oliver began campaigning for a tax on sugary drinks he expected a fight, and he was not disappointed.
Addiction to video games could have huge clinical significance, says study.

What percentage of people who play video games are 'addicted'?


Researchers from the University’s Oxford Internet Institute asked nationally representative samples of men and women in four countries how they felt after gaming using the APA checklist of health symptoms.

lack of sleep

Why sleep could be the key to tackling mental illness

The Conversation

We are only beginning to unravel the genetic and biochemical basis of mental illness – a vague term including conditions as diverse as anxiety, depression, and mood and psychotic disorders.
Flashmob dancing

Let’s dance: synchronised movement helps us tolerate pain and foster friendship

The Conversation

Growing scientific evidence suggests that getting up and grooving with others has a lot of benefits.

Going Viral


Viruses have been a threat to humanity for as long as we have existed. As we make progress in the fight against them, can we also learn to use their tricks to our own advantage.
mouse α-glucosidase II enzyme

Enzyme structure offers new hopes for better antivirals


The structure of a cellular enzyme that is crucial for the survival of many pathogenic viruses has been solved in a new study.
Lien Davidson

3-Minute Thesis: Embryos and Lasers


Summing up your entire doctorate in three minutes is a challenge. That's about 400 - 500 words, compared to the 80,000 word limit for a doctoral thesis. Yet, that's the challenge of the 3 Minute Thesis (3MT), a competition originally developed by The University of Queensland.

Dunn School's Chris Tang tells Penicillin story in Radio Four interview


Professor Chris Tang from the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology discussed the significance of the Dunn School in the development of penicillin.
Unstable ankle fractures

Elderly patients with unstable ankle fractures could avoid surgery


Elderly patients with unstable ankle fractures could avoid surgery, according to research by a UK team led by NDORMS at the Oxford University.
