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Sunday GP appointments unlikely to meet patient needs
Sunday GP appointments are unlikely to meet the needs of patients – according to a new report from the Universities of Oxford and East Anglia.
New research on weekend GP opening published in the British Journal of General Practice reveals the views of more than 800,000 patients.
The study found that four out of five people are happy with traditional GP opening times and that weekend appointments are wanted most by younger, working people.
Four out of five people are happy with traditional GP opening times
It also finds that while Saturday appointments are preferable for those who find week-day appointments inconvenient, just 2 per cent would only be able to attend an appointment on a Sunday. This suggests that Saturday opening, but not Sunday, would meet most people’s needs.
Lead researcher Dr John Ford, from UEA’s Norwich Medical School, said: 'Weekend working in primary care is a flagship policy of the UK government. Their plan is that by 2020, people will have access to GPs seven days a week.
'Some argue that it will reduce pressure on hospitals, while others say that it is unaffordable and mismatched with what patients need. We wanted to identify who would benefit from the policy and the difference between Saturday and Sunday opening.'
The research team from Oxford and UEA used data from the national 2014 General Practice Patient Survey (GPPS). Surveys were sent to sample patients from all 8,011 practices in England, and more than 800,000 people responded.
Key findings
- The majority of people (81 per cent) did not find traditional GP opening times inconvenient.
- 15 per cent said that weekend opening would make it easier for them to see a doctor. Of these, 74 per cent preferred Saturday opening, 35 per cent Sunday and 33 per cent Saturday or Sunday.
- Only 2 per cent would only be able to attend an appointment on a Sunday at the weekend.
- Younger people, those in full time work or those with certain long term conditions are more likely to use a weekend service.
- People with dementia, learning difficulties, problems with walking or dressing, or poor quality of life are less likely to want weekend opening.
- People with angina, diabetes, hypertension, long-term neurological problems, arthritis, back problems, asthma, kidney or liver disease and cancer are most likely to use a weekend service.
Dr Geoff Wong, a Clinical Research Fellow at Oxford's Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, said: 'A survey on this scale is a valuable indicator to the UK government of the demand and popularity for seven day GP opening. Of note, the majority of people (81 per cent) find their GP's opening times to be convenient. This research provides policy makers with an opportunity to hone their current plans to increase access to GPs.'
Younger people, those in full time work or those with certain long term conditions are more likely to use a weekend service
Dr Ford said: 'Some weekend opening pilots have already begun to show that there is a lack of demand on Sundays, and our findings suggest that Sunday opening, in addition to Saturday, would be unlikely to improve access.
'Another key problem is that many practices do not currently have capacity to provide weekend opening in addition to weekday services. This means that a reduction in weekday services would be necessary – which could actually reduce access for patients who find it easier to see their GP during the traditional working week.'
The research was led by the University of East Anglia, in collaboration with the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at the University of Oxford. It was funded by a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Doctoral Research Fellowship.
The paper Weekend Opening in Primary Care: Analysis of the General Practice Patient Survey is published in the British Journal of General Practice on Friday 6 November 6 (doi: 10.3399/bjgp15X687673).