
One said the device was like having a salesman in the room and disposed of it.

Expert Comment: How consumers are navigating the Amazon/Alexa data dilemma

Artificial Intelligence
Expert opinion
Social Sciences
those looking to study IT or working as an IT professional may find brushing up on AI-related skills is probably the way to go if they are looking to specialise further. However, it is also important not to forget to build the soft skills

Expert Comment: AI demand is booming for the right skills and for the technology ‘glue-guys’

Artificial Intelligence
Expert opinion
Social Sciences
while computers might eventually be able to do most tasks, humans would continue to hold the comparative advantage in three key domains: creativity, complex social interactions, and interaction with unstructured environments (such as your home).

Expert Comment: Jobs will be automated, but not because of the latest Generative AI

Artificial Intelligence
Expert opinion
Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences
Social Sciences
Solar and wind can provide more energy than British forecasts

Wind and solar power could significantly exceed Britain’s energy needs

Social Sciences
Generative AI is expected to represent a step forward from ongoing AI/automation initiatives

Generative AI could transform work; boosting productivity and democratising innovation

Artificial Intelligence
Social Sciences
When it gets too hot to work, people lose income, which means households may struggle to afford to buy food. This is experienced more in countries with vulnerable and informal work patterns – especially agriculture

Heat can cause rapid food insecurity in days, says Oxford research

Social Sciences
