Dr Dimitrios Tsomocos
A mathematical economist by trade, Dr Tsomocos’s main areas of expertise include banking and regulation, incomplete asset markets, systemic risk, financial instability, and issues of new financial architecture.
His research has had a substantial impact on economic policy around the world. In particular, he analyses issues of contagion, financial fragility, interbank linkages and the impact of the Basel Accord and financial regulation in the macroeconomy, using a General Equilibrium model with incomplete asset markets, money and endogenous default. He is working towards designing a new paradigm of monetary policy, financial stability analysis and macroprudential regulation.
He is an economic advisor to one of the main political parties in Greece, and has worked with central banks in countries such as England, Bulgaria, Colombia, Greece, Korea and Norway. He co-developed the Goodhart–Tsomocos model of financial fragility in 2003 while working as an economist at the Bank of England. More than ten central banks have calibrated the model, including the Bank of Bulgaria, the Bank of Colombia, the Bank of England and the Bank of Korea.
- Finance
- Financial fragility and contagion
- The Greek economy
- Basel Accord and regulation
Selected publications
Media experience
Professor Tsomocos is a regular commentator on the state of the Greek economy in local and international media. He has worked with both print and broadcast outlets, including CNN, Al Jazeera and BBC News.