The Streaming Self: The Joining Effects of Technology and Liberalism

David M Goodman
Event date
Event time
17:00 - 18:00
Mansfield College
Mansfield Road
Venue details

Hotung Auditorium

Event type
Lectures and seminars
Event cost
Disabled access?
Booking required

There are risks – both individual and political – to the ways that the self is being configured through the combined effects of technologically mediated social relations and the exigencies of living in a modern liberal political state. Drawing from the work of Emmanuel Levinas and Wilfred Bion, ethical concerns regarding a self-riveted back to itself and attracted to counterfeit versions of connection will be the focus of this talk.

David Goodman is the Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives and External Relations and an Associate Professor of the Practice in Counselling, Developmental, and Educational Psychology in the Lynch School of Education and Human Development at Boston College. He is also an Associate Professor of the Practice in the Philosophy department in Boston College’s Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences, and the Director of Psychological Humanities and Ethics. Dr Goodman is also a licensed clinical psychologist and has a private practice in Boston, MA.

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