Poetry Reading with Amal al-Jubouri

Event date
Event time
St. Antony's College
Middle East Centre
Event type
Gallery tours / talks
Event cost
Disabled access?
Booking required
Not required

1 November 17:00 to 18:30
Middle East Centre, St. Antony’s College

The Middle East Centre and the Oxford Middle East Review are delighted to invite you to a captivating evening of Arabic poetry with renowned Iraqi poet Amal al-Jubouri, chaired by Professor Avi Shlaim. Her poetry resonates with the rich cultural heritage of Iraq, offering a deep exploration of themes such as war, alienation, identity, and belonging. Amal's words have the unique ability to transport the listener to distant lands, and her poetry is an emotional journey that we are thrilled to embark on together.

The event will include readings of some of Amal’s most celebrated poems, followed by an opportunity for questions and a discussion with the poet herself.

We hope you can join us for an evening of enchanting poetry and meaningful conversation.
Feel free to bring along friends and fellow poetry enthusiasts who may be interested in this event. We look forward to sharing this poetic journey with you.