Event submission

This listing is for live events (not recorded events) which are open to the general public. To avoid disappointment, we do not publish events which are restricted to members of Oxford University only.

Please note: we moderate all event submissions, so bear in mind that your event will not appear immediately, particularly during busy periods such as the beginning of term. All event managers should be aware of the University’s code of practice for meeting and events.

Your details
Your details will not be shown to the public unless you have specifically selected to show them as contact details for the event.
(must be ox.ac.uk)
Please use this format: 01865 XXXXXX
Event details
Applicable only if you are entering multiple events which are part of the same series, such as the Slade Lectures.
Events with an 'Members of the University only' audience will ONLY appear in the Staff Gateway Events list, not in the 'News & Events list'
Staff event type
If no charge, please write “Free”
Booking required*
Event 1
Speaker(s) / Performer(s) / Artist(s) (please separate multiple names with a semi-colon)
(leave empty if one-day event)
e.g. ‘Department of Earth Sciences’, ‘Keble College’, etc. Please do not enter the room number or lecture theatre.
(e.g. room number, building access etc.)
Disabled access?*
If you wish, please provide some further information about the speaker, topic, or other attractions of your event.
Contact details for event
Please use this format: 01865 XXXXXX.