Hidden histories: Oxford’s female computing pioneers

Professor Ursula Martin
Event date
Event time
17:00 - 18:30
Lecture Theatre L1
Lecture Theatre L1, Mathematical Institute, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Event type
Lectures and seminars
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Join us in Oxford Mathematics on 27th February 2020 for a talk and discussion celebrating the Bodleian Libraries' release of interviews by Georgina Ferry of some of Oxford’s female computing pioneers.

Some remarkable women shaped Oxford computing: Dorothy Hodgkin won the Nobel Prize for work on insulin; Susan Hockey pioneered digital humanities; Shirley Carter, Linda Hayes and Joan Walsh got the pioneering software company NAG off the ground in 1970; and female operators and programmers were at the heart of the early large-scale computing efforts powering 20th-century science.

4.30pm: Welcome tea

5.00pm: Professor Ursula Martin - Hidden histories: Oxford’s female computing pioneers

5.45pm: Panel discussion chaired by science writer Georgina Ferry and featuring some of the the pioneers themselves