Picture of a pink piggy bank against pink background.
Picture of a pink piggy bank against pink background.

Club grants

Club Grants by the Clubs Committee

Guidance and criteria

The Clubs Committee can provide financial assistance to University clubs, societies and publications registered with the Proctors. The Committee meets termly to decide on the award of small sums to registered non-sports clubs to support their activities. The Committee will decide among eligible applications with reference to its overall annual budget and to its aims of encouraging a lively, creative and inclusive range of activities in student life at Oxford. 

Applications for a grant may be made by submitting Clubs grant application form by Friday of 4th week each term.

Types of Grants

(a)  Start-up grants (up to £200) - available to newly registered non-sports clubs

(b)  Special purpose grants and loans (up to £200) - available to established non-sports clubs  (continuously registered for at least three terms)

(c)  Special purpose grants and loans (up to £800) - available to larger non-sports clubs  that are long-established (continuously registered for at least three years with a membership of at least 30 for the entire period)

What would make a club eligible?

Only registered non-sports clubs that continue to meet the registration criteria may apply for the awards specified above. Clubs, societies and publications are expected, as a matter of general principle, to be self-financing and to meet their day-to-day expenditure, including travel expenses and the cost of meetings, etc. from subscriptions and/or other contributions from members, or from other sources of revenue. Consequently, the Committee does not ordinarily make grants to cover running costs, but awards grants mainly for non-recurrent or capital expenditure, for example towards the purchase of an item of equipment that would be of long-term benefit to members, and which a club/society/publication cannot reasonably or realistically be expected to meet from its normal revenues.

What would usually make a club ineligible?

If the club/society/publication:

(a)  does not appear to be sustainable, i.e. does not charge a membership fee, or have any other alternative sources of revenue,

(b)  if the application is for long-term running costs, rather than start-up costs, or unforeseen circumstances,

(c)  supports political activities,

(d)  supports private social activities,

(e)  support activities that, in the University’s opinion, may breach equality or other relevant legislation, or where the provision of support may be inconsistent with the University’s obligations under such legislation,

(f)   do not fully explain how the money will be spent,

(g)  do not have the explicit support of the club’s Senior Member,

(h)  are for large sums and do not show evidence of having first pursued other appropriate sources of funding.

Vice Chancellor’s Activity Fund Grant

The Vice-Chancellor’s Activity Fund is to enable registered clubs or societies (that is, University sports clubs registered with the Sports Federation, or clubs, societies and publications registered with the Proctors) to take advantage of unique or special opportunities, e.g. a student society hosting a major academic conference, to make a major capital investment, or to accept an invitation to take part in a prestigious overseas event. It is not intended for recurrent costs e.g. an annual tour or “business as usual” activity which requires recurrent funding.

 Any club wishing to make an application should write a letter setting out:

  • What the opportunity is and why it is deserving of extraordinary support
  • A full budget and a statement of how the Society concerned plans to reach a position where, the next time such an opportunity arises, they won’t need to come to the Fund again.

 These should be sent to [email protected] by noon on Wednesday of 1st week of each term to be considered by the VC and her team as a gathered field. Grants will be considered for sums between £250 and £10,000.

Clubs and societies requesting funding may be invited to meet with the Head of the VC Office, or with the VC herself, to discuss their plans and proposals.

No grants will be made to clubs which receive substantial funding from an endowment. A club which receives a grant will not be eligible for another until six full terms have passed.

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