This video is for all Oxford applicants who need to take the MAT or Mathematics Admissions Test as part of the admissions process for any of the following courses: Mathematics; Mathematics and Computer Science; Mathematics and Philosophy; Mathematics and Statistics; Computer Science or Computer Science and Philosophy. The MAT is now a hybrid test - this means that the questions will be online but you will be asked to write your answers in a printed booklet which is then scanned by your school or test centre and sent to us. Here we will take you through an online practice MAT and advise the best way to prepare so that you can feel confident on test day. Our admissions tests aim to stretch the strongest applicants so don't worry if you find the test hard - it's supposed to be. The best way to prepare for the MAT is to explore thoroughly practice materials you will find on our website. We know that applicants who practise tend to do better, so we strongly recommend that you familiarise yourself with the test content, structure and format so you can do your best on the day. You may notice that the past papers on the website have seven questions while the online practice paper has six. This is because the MAT now only has six questions so don't worry about this inconsistency. Any practice answering questions will be good preparation for your test. Now let's take a look at the practice online MAT. The test landing page will give you the instructions you need. Please read these carefully as they include important information about your test, and tips on navigating the platform. Once you have started your test, you will be able to view these instructions again at any time via the 'i' button at the top of the right side of the screen. The MAT test is 2 hours and 30 minutes long and has six questions. You should attempt the questions required for the course you are applying for. Question 1, 2, 3 and 5 are for all applicants. Question 4 is for applicants for Mathematics, Mathematics & Statistics or Mathematics and Philosophy. Question 6 is only for Oxford applicants in Computer Science, Mathematics and Computer Science and Computer Science and Philosophy. Question 1 is multiple choice - it has ten parts, each of which is worth 4 marks. The other questions require extended responses and carry 15 marks each. Any rough working should be shown in the space provided in your printed answer booklet. Calculators are not permitted. Once you click on 'Start the test' you will be presented with the questions. Always make sure you scroll down to the bottom of the screen so you don’t miss any parts of questions. When doing your own practice test, remember to explore using the highlighter and the annotating tool. To use the highlighter, click on it so that it turns yellow - it is now ready to use. You can remove highlighting by clicking on the 'bin' icon which automatically appears above. You can also add and save an annotation to highlighted text, and display and hide the annotations, as required. Using the accessibility button, you can also enlarge the screen's font size and select coloured overlays or high contrast. The timer for your test is centred at the top. This will go yellow when there are five minutes left of your test. You can use the 'back' and 'next' buttons in the bottom left hand corner to navigate between the questions. Click on the 'I have answered the question' button when completed or click on the 'Flag' button if still incomplete. You will be able to 'Review and submit' each answer before moving to the next question or just do this after you have answered all the questions. At this point, you will still be able to return to any question by clicking on it. This is true whether or not you have clicked on the 'Flag' or the 'I have answered the question' buttons on each question. The final screen will provide you with a summary of the remaining time, which questions you have answered and ask you to confirm submission. By clicking on 'Cancel' you will be able to go back and further review your answer. Have a go at the MAT online practice test at: You can download and print a practice answer booklet or just write your answers on paper to hand. When you take your MAT test, you should use a black pen to write in the answer booklet and complete your personal details in block capitals. It is important you tell us if you have any difficulties navigating the online question paper when doing the practice test. Get in touch at asap so we can help. For all information and guidance on Oxford's admissions tests go to: