(funky music) - People say cheers when they open doors or something. - Everyone is so polite. - 'Cause I do English I get to read plays about incest from the 1500s here. (both laughing) (rock music) - It's basically, the legacy is learning and knowledge. It is such a cool place to be. - I didn't think I was particularly the Oxford type, but then I just realised there is no Oxford type. You don't get to see that from just the image of Oxford. - I think this place makes a genuine effort to welcome everyone. - All the academics that you see around you, and people in your department, they just have so much passion, you can feel it. - They can talk about their subjects like, - - Exactly. - for the whole day. - And they're so approachable even though they're probably experts in their field. And I feel like that kind of intimate relationship you can only get at Oxford. I chose Oxford mainly because of its research-oriented approach towards learning. We actually had a lab shadowing, which was literally one of the best experiences that I've had. - Being taught by people who have been doing this for many, many years. They're interested about their subjects. I think you just find it fascinating. - Things that made me realise that, oh, coming here was worth it. - At the college, everybody knows that it's tough. It's not criminal to feel like you are, have too much work or that you don't know what you're doing. There are so many safety nets. People you can contact and people you can talk to. It makes you feel like people understand and that you're gonna be all right. - You'd be surprised about how much resilience you could build here. The work and the readings that you find so unmanageable in the first week, are just part of your life now. - Being away from home and studying something I really love, meeting new people, I think it brings you into a place maybe try the things you always wanted to do but been a bit scared of, you know. - I always try to prioritise social life 'cause otherwise it's so easy to be like, "Oh I have two essays, I'll cry." (he chuckles) And I was like, "No, you'll be fine." - I've definitely become a lot more confident. I didn't know that I was capable of doing the things that I am. - I think if I have a globe now, I think I know someone from every certain area of the world. - It's going to be hard. It's going to be challenging. But I think at the end of it, you're gonna be a different person and it's definitely worth it. - Just do it. - Yeah. No, do apply. I think we need more international students. 'Cause we're fun. - If you're watching this, just please apply. You're obviously interested. - Yeah, you can do it. - We believe in you. - We believe in you. - Just do it. It's worth it. It's fun. It's great. - Yeah. - It's, like I said, it's the best decision that I've made, ever. (bright music)